Some poetry and prayers I have stumbled across

I wish I came up with these but I didn’t.


The Morrigan

Blessed Morrigan, whose sacred names are three,

I do not pray for strength, for you show me the strength within me.
I do not pray for courage, for I follow you willingly into battle.
I do not pray for wisdom, for you teach me of the Crone within me.
I do not pray for blessings, because I live each day in blessed Magic, following the ways of the wise.
I do not pray for prosperity, for I live in gratitude of the abundance which flows through my life.
I do not pray for love, for love runs like water to me through my family and friends.

I pray to remember these gifts, for in my despair I can lose my way, and lose my awareness that I am a daughter of your ways.
I pray to remember that when I look into my image, your face is reflected there, and I can carry any burden because you live within me.

Funerary prayer to Hel

“hel, great goddess, daughter of loki
Guard of the spirits of the dead
Our friend (insert name) has come to you now
As (insert name) kneels bedore you, hel
know how much (he/she) was loved in this life
And how many (he/she) loved in return
Before (he/she) crossed over (he/she) was an honorable soul
A soaring spirit, a brave warrior
Watch over (him/her), hel as (he/she) crosses the bridge
From this life to the next
And welcome (him/her) with honor and glory
So that (he/she) may live on forever
In our hearts and memories

Prayer to Lilith

Lilith, Queen of demons and mother to us all. Teach us the ways of the night. You are the second to rebel against the god of the Jews and the first against man. Give me the rebellious spirit just as you have. As you were made through the dirt and your spirit given to you by Satan through a dark mist, so give me the same spirit. May that same spirit rise up within me so that I may have the strength to fight against the lies and dominance of the god of the Jews and of mankind’s lies. You fled away from the garden of bondage to be with the demons, to make children of the night. Wrap me in your wings and take flight into the night sky, your element, and keep me from harm. Whisper in my ear your secrets as you do to all of mankind. Great mother Lilith Queen of demons and mother of us all, you are the first vampire and Succubi. You take your vengeance on the children of mankind because the god of the Jews has done so to your children. Your children are the Lilim, and we are your loyal servants of your infernal royal beauty. Hail Lilith Queen of demons and of the night. Mother to us all! Nema!

Mantras to Kali


This is the basic Kali mantra, meaning “OM and salutations to Kali”. It is for those who want to focus themselves on Kali as their principal spiritual practice.


This mantra is the basic Kali mantra strengthened by the words “Sri” (an expression of great respect) and “Maha” (great).  It has been said that very few people are initiated into this mantra because of the intensity of its “purgative nature.


This mantra is said to bring rapid and even drastic relief from any situation that is difficult or problematic. The kind of solution attained might not be the kind you would want or envisage, because the effects of the mantra are said to be potentially drastic and unexpected. The results will be right and appropriate for you at the time, although they may not be pleasant in the short run


This is known as the Great Fifteen-Syllable Mantra (not counting the Om at the start) and is said to provide a rapid boost to one’s spiritual growth, although once again the results may be unexpected and drastic. One should only use this mantra if one is prepared for results that may be quite intense. From personal experience, I can vouch for the power of this mantra

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