Buddhist perspective on archetypes



I understand that I am a little late to be throwing my opinion into this raging debate of a few months ago but with life being how it is it took me a while. I also wanted to take the time to be sure that I had my thoughts all laid out in a way that they would make sense and be easily understood. The debate I am speaking of was one where some people claimed the gods were separate and infinite beings who live forever watching us vs. the people who believe the gods are all constructs of our human mind.

What i believe is that there is some high force impersonal force that powers and contains all of reality. This force is essentially an infinite stream of all things that ever were and ever will be coursing throughout the void. Our lives are mere atoms in this eternal river of all things. Since this stream is all one however with proper meditation techniques you can learn to sync up to any part of reality whether it be real or not yet real. Every one of us has the capability to alter and create our own reality with just thought as within all of us lies this endless sea, I am saying that all of us are gods when we take the time to embrace it. The idea of creating reality may seem strange at first but take a minute to think about something…what is your least favorite food? Now is this food good or bad? You realize that it is neither, it is merely that your perception has made it a “bad food”. The rest of reality is no different, there are no bad days or lucky streaks. There is only existence.

Now I mentioned meditation earlier but it would more accurately be described as an actualization exercise. When you realize that all of divinity is already within you then you can learn to focus and become one with this stream and gain access to all of reality. This can be achieved many different ways and is in my opinion the easiest and most concise way to astral travel or speak with any god. The gods are already there within the stream waiting to be accessed by anybody who wants to sync up to  their vibration and grab them. Remember the power of all gods including any that you make up on the spot are all true and powerfully in the reality that you create.

This may come across as very anti-Buddhist but truth is truth, desire is the one true motivating source behind all of reality for good and bad. If this stream would have one emotion moving the multiverse along it is desire. Just look at the microcosm of humanity as a small reflection of the rest of the universe. Whether people want to accept it or not desire is behind everything we do and is the only motivating force. Some people say love rules the world but love s merely the end product of desiring to be loved. Good things happen because somebody desires them to happen, the same with bad things (at which point you realize that there is neither good nor bad merely perceptions). Desire has been demonized as a bad thing, but in my life the problem has not been desire as much as uncontrolled desire without focus.  Desire is not a problem, weak minds are a problem.

When you look at the oldest of the gods you realize that across all cultures the gods have been formed out of basic human desires. All of the cultural gods like art and music came later, first and foremost to humans were the primal gods of base humanity. All of humanity whether people like it or not can be boiled down to three emotions and the desire for each

1.Knowledge…..There has always been a quest for knowledge to use as power, naturally one of our oldest thought forms became a god or goddess of intellect.

2.Violence…..Violence may not seem like a desire at first but it is a base emotion of humanity and one of our strongest tools. The old saying that “Violence never solved anything” is laughable when honestly violence always has and always will solve everything. 

3.Sex….. What desire could possibly be older then sex? It is hardwired into our brains as a desire to keep our species procreating, and also over history sex has been used as power over others untold times. 

These three simple words are humanity and the sole motivators for everything humans have ever done. If anybody can ever think of an action of humanity not done because of a desire for knowledge, violence, or sex please let me know. And all 3 of these desires lead to one goal which is power. Power is the one thing that all of humanity craves and if desire is the motivating force behind humanity then power is it’s god.

You can understand much about humans by watching our closest relatives the chimpanzees. Chimpanzees are humans without the rigors of modern society or the false fronts that we put up. A chimp society is nothing more then primal humanity where everything is solved by violence and sex, now before this gets anyone offended please sit and think a minute what our world would be like with no laws or fake, social protocols. Humanity just seemed a little darker didn’t it?

There is another area of humanity that has inspired some very old gods and that is the area of the unknown. By the unknown I am referring to areas such as death, the wild, the dark, magic among many others. There has always been one and in some cases many gods or goddesses who people kept a healthy respect for but did not often approach. The first time man looked out of his cave into the dark forest and felt fear he gave great power to what he would later shape into a fear god. Over time people began to keep feeding these thought forms more and more making them stronger.

By the term thought form here I am referring to the small fraction of that stream i mentioned earlier that contains our fear. We perceive elements of the world around us and within us and mold a being using some energy from this stream. A good example would be us creating a hollow, clay structure of a god and then filling it within this stream. Now since our minds create reality if we believe in this force we can access it. Also I am not saying that we individually create gods because in this stream is all of the emotion and thought of all time so the blueprints and stored energy of the gods are already there. When I call to Odin I sync up with all the prayers ever spoken to him and draw his power and from forth from the ether stream.

I have been working with astral travel and trying to access this stream for many years now and I kept seeing something that up until recently I never understood. I would see an unfathomably large spider just sitting motionless in a web surrounded by darkness. This spider was hard to see as it was all black and camouflaged into the surrounding abyss near perfectly. It never attacked or moved or even spoke. It would just sit in it’s web watching and feeling reality through her web. I have spoken with several people wondering if this was maybe some primordial god lost to time, but that just doesn’t feel right to me. I came to a realization while at work that this spider may be me, I am sitting still at the center of reality trying to feel the vibrations in the stream I seek.

So in the archetypes vs gods argument I personally believe that both of you are wrong and both of you are correct. All of the gods are real and yes they all can speak with you but there is not some golden castle in the sky where invisible people are watching you from. Connections can be made that they will stay out of the stream and sync to your energy but that requires work and many visits. I would say the easiest way to develop a connection with a god or goddess is to begin to exemplify the characteristics of that gods so that you become a living avatar of that god. How better to draw forth the essence then to become it? But then again it doesn’t matter what i think only what you believe.



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