That Damn Statue in Oklahoma


This picture will surely keep me out of trouble

I have honestly been sitting on a topic for over a week now. I have opinions both for and to the contrary of an organization but was not sure how to present my ideas without being more misrepresented then I already am. The topic I have been ruminating over is the proposed placing of a statue contradicting the 10 commandments to be placed out front of the Oklahoma capitol building. While I have opinions on this I have been reluctant to voice them as I am already targeted as “evil” and called such things as a “Satanist” and a “Necromancer”.

However while thinking over this topic I came across an essay by Anton LaVey (I know that doesn’t help my case) where he essentially said be yourself and screw people who try to make you their enemy as it just gives you more strength and is a compliment because you are something to be feared. So in that spirit I have decided to put down my opinions on this statue as well as give a brief synopsis on why Baphomet (the being in the statue) is not Satan.

There is funding going on now to place a seven foot tall statue of Baphoment surrounded by children directly facing a statue of the 10 commandments in the Oklahoma Capitol. My first reaction was honestly one of laughter at the obvious trolling by the church of Satan. They know full well that this statue will never be built but are just trying to make it so that no religious statuary can be displayed out front of a public building, as was decreed by “separation of church and state”. So in this sense I approve of the Satanists’ actions as they are pointing out an obvious violation of our Constitution.     Image

I disagree with the campaign in the sense that they are merely coming across as childish troublemakers trying to attack Christianity. Also the design for the statue is wrong in so many ways. First off the statue reeks of pedophilia to me, plus most of the symbolism commonly associated with Baphomet is missing or watered down. Where are his breasts and erect penis? If they truly want to represent their beliefs then why water it down? When it comes to hating the seven foot tall statue of Satan I hardly doubt some breasts will make much of a difference in the bible belt.


I wanted to go into some of the symbolism of Baphomet as I believe he is always wrongly represented. While I know about him I can honestly not give any first hand accounts of him as I have never worked with or called on this being. From my personal studies and training I was always taught that Baphomet is not a god but rather a representation of the ideal and realized human. He represents an amalgamation of all the opposing forces perfectly blended together into one functioning soul. He is worshiped as the ideal by left handers, which makes sense as the left hand path teaches empowering yourself rather then kneeling before any outside force for salvation.

Baphomet represents the union of man and animal or rather his animal side. He has a human torso and arms while maintaining an animal face and wings. This is concurrent with the Laveyan teaching that ” Man is just another animal, sometimes better but more often worse”. The animal side of us represents our carnal and primal nature which we to often try to ignore and push away. Only through accepting and integrating your primal nature with your logical “human” mind can one become fully realized.

He is usually represented with breasts and a penis, making him a hermaphrodite. This is because once again he/she is the full integration of a human being. He is all the traditional female qualities integrated with many of the traditional male values. Baphomet is the fully developed and fully independent representation of the left handed goal.

Baphomet also has one hand pointed to the ground and one pointed towards the heavens. This symbolism is merely to state that he is fully aware at all times of this world and the one above or rather beyond our own.

In closing I feel that the whole event can only go badly if the statue is placed. It will very quickly be torn down or vandalized by Christian zealots and will most likely lead to violence and death as is the Christian way. It will also lead to the sight being surrounded by “Hot-Topic” satanists crowding around the statue to take that epic Facebook selfie further taking away from any seriousness or reverence it may have. I am not a Satanist or have any real Connection to Baphomet but I like what he represents and feel like if the church of Satan is serious then this statue is in poor taste and disrespects their beliefs and their ideals, both of which LaVey would disprove of.

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