Using the Dark mother to call corners

ImageRecently I have gotten some questions pertaining to how I worship and give offering to my particular archetype the dark mother. I will put down here some things that I do and some traditional ways to do things but honestly the most Important thing is to come up with your own ways of doing things.

If we are going the traditional route and having a central altar for offerings and a smaller altar to each of the four cardinal directions this becomes easy. It is what I did when I formally dedicated myself, again this is how I do it and hopefully it can help you.For the central altar you need to do this on your own. Set up something meaningful to what you are asking for and make a space to leave your offering. My offering can range from fruit to raw meat depending on whom I want to speak with. i change it up but always like to have some candles (I personally prefer red and black) as well as some fresh flowers.

To the North I normally set up a small altar to the Morrigan. This is because the North is traditionally representative of the Earth and one of the Morrigan’s aspects is that of an Earth Goddess. Also as a death walker she is tasked with guiding souls from the Earth and into the afterlife. Also to Me the Celtic culture and religion just has a very Earthen feel about it. Good offerings for her would be some good whiskey as well as any crow feathers or pictures that you may have. Also since you are representing Earth here any crystal or stone would do nicely here. On my personal Morrigan Altar I have an uncracked geode representing her motherhood as well as a raven skull I found. The color green is always good with her as well as the element of Earth.

To the East I like to venerate Hel, guardian of the dead. The East is also commonly associated with air which is associated with intellect. Intellect and the dead may not seem to have an immediate connection until you begin to realize that Hel has the collected knowledge of all past mankind at her fingertips. After all who knows more then death? Representing air as well as Hel’s connection to funerals and death I like to set up a large and heavy incense urn ( yes I have an actual urn). You can use store bought or if you feel industrious grind up your own and burn it. On an Altar to Hel I also include the obvious animal bones and skulls but something I found that she likes are two flowers, one dead and one fresh. I normally will light a black candle for her.

To the South I honor Kali. The south is associated with Chaos, destruction and fire making it a perfect place for an invocation to Kali. I personally offer her some fruit and like to chant mantras in veneration of her. Something unique that you can do here if you have a fireproof container is to take whatever physical offerings that you may have and burn them to her. I have written things I wanted removed on paper and thrown them in the fire to be destroyed by Kali to great effect. Needless to say to honor her and the Southern direction you should have some sort of fire burning or at least some good candles. Red is one of the best colors to use for Kali in my opinion.

To the West, the direction of water and emotion I like to honor Lilith ( Lilith however can also just as easily go the the south). Lilith likes things such as perfume and jewels. I have a string of garnets that is only hers and I use it as a focal point in most of my workings. Some good offerings to her besides perfume and garnets would be strawberries or made a glass of red wine. Remember she is a goddess of sex but also a Sumerian goddess of sex and mother of demons so keep it respectful. Remember if you tease Lilith she will tease back and you CANNOT handle it. For candles I like to use gold or dark red for Lilith.

When calling the directions to these goddesses just be respectful and take a little time to honor each of them. Speak to them about why you are asking for their help, if you are sincere they will at least listen to you. If you know any prayers or poetry dedicated to them they would love that.Again this is just my template for who I work with, this can be adapted and changed for whoever or whatever you are working with. The point I am trying to get out there is to understand the nature of what you are working with so hat you can most properly honor it.  I will put a devotional prayer I wrote, take it and use it if you like it 🙂


Hail Dark Mother!

On this the darkest of nights I honor you O mother

To you who makes your garden among the cemeteries

Who builds her palace from the bodies of the fallen

Who makes her company among silenced voice


On this night we honor you, the mother of harsh truth

Bring the necessary darkness from which all life springs

The sweeping harbinger of chaos, ushering in nature’s end

Through your black harvest we are reborn


I honor you, the owl who fills the dreams of man with dread

To the flaming jackal dancing amidst the ashes

The calling crow who let all know their end is near

A skeletal truth without false illusions


In the silent dark of your embrace I take solace

Though empires of man rise and fall you will stand eternal

For in you lies the one unchanging truth

The truth that when all falls into blackness you alone shall still stand


Hail Dark Mother!

also here is a link to an old post I wrote containing more prayers to the above mentioned goddesses

Some poetry and prayers I have stumbled across


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