Chakra analysis using western totemic shamanism

I recently learned of a new totem meditation combining eastern and western Shamanic practices. The theory behind the practice is to go through each of the seven major chakras individually and allow an animal to visualize representing the health and nature of the chakra. I found that the most useful way of interpreting the animals that appear was not to look them up in a book but rather to sit and think about what each animal means to you and your own subconscious. First though a little bit about each of the seven major chakras (thank you for the good descriptions).

1. Muladhara  (root sound is  Lam)                                                                                                                                                  Located at the end of the spine between the anus and sex organs, the first chakra or root chakra is responsible for security and survival. Known as Muladhara, the root chakra is represented by the color red. The root chakra, when unbalanced can bring feelings of fear, and insecurity. If energies are most prominent in the Muladhara, food and sleep will be the most important factors in your life. A healthy root chakra will provide initiates with a grounded state, instilling security, loyalty, and self acceptance.

2. Svadisthana (root sound is Vam)
Seated in the sexual organs and kidneys/bladder, the second chakra or Svadisthana is responsible for creativity and reproduction. Represented by the color orange, Svadisthana is the source of creative impulse, both artistically and reproductively. If the second chakra is unbalanced, initiates may be experiencing problems with sexual organs or the kidneys and may exhibit un-empathetic emotions, guilt, lack of boundaries, and irresponsible relationship habits. When balance is returned to Svadisthana, initiates may channel a healthy attitude and level of commitment towards sexual functions, relationships, and creativity. Those with energy dominant in Svadisthana will be seekers of pleasure.

3.Manipura (root sound is Ram)
The third chakra is known as the solar plexus chakra or, Manipura. Manipura governs action and balance, and is located at the navel point or solar plexus. Being represented by the hue of yellow, Manipura is the center of personal power and commitment, where the strength for inner balance, inspiration, and good health can be channeled, when the chakra is balanced. The solar plexus chakra corresponds to organs of sustainability like the liver, gall bladder, spleen, adrenal glands, pancreas, & digestive organs, the solar plexus chakra when unbalanced will manifest emotions of anger, greed, shame, or despair. Those with energy prominent in Manipura will be people of action, with a great desire to achieve.

4 .Anahata (root sound is yam)
The chakra of love and compassion is known as the heart chakra or Anahata. The heart chakra is located in the middle of the chest on the breast bone at the level of the nipples, and is represented by the color green. A healthy heart chakra will manifest itself through compassion; kindness; forgiveness; service; and love. Signs of an unbalanced heart chakra include grief, attachment, fear of rejection, helper syndrome, or heartlessness. Those with energy dominant in the Anahata will be a creator, and desire to create more than other things.

5.Vishuddha (root sound is ham)
The fifth chakra which is associated with the throat and thyroid, is the center for hearing and speaking the truth. Known as the throat chakra, Vishuddha is the center for truth, language, knowledge and the ability to communicate. The throat chakra is represented by light blue color. An unbalanced throat chakra will manifest itself in lethargy, weakness in expression, shyness, vocalization issues, insecurity, fear of others opinions and judgements. A balanced Vishuddha will bring initiates authenticity, inspiration, self expression and teaching.

6. Ajna (root sound is ohm)
Located between the eyebrows, the sixth chakra or Third Eye is the chakra of intuition, wisdom and identity and is located at the center of the brain, in the pineal gland. Represented by the color indigo, the Third Eye, when awakened and active will become the center of intuition and clairvoyance. Initiates will experience ease of concentration and determination, and will unlock powers of projection. Ones purpose will be will be revealed fully with an awakened third eye. Signs of a closed or unbalanced Third Eye include confusion, depression, and over-intellectualization.

7. Sahasrara (root sound is silence)
The seventh chakra is known as the crown chakra, or Sahasrara. Represented by the color violet, the crown chakra has been referred to as the chakra of humility and vastness. Sahasrara is located at the top of the head. Known as the seat of the soul, the crown chakra is the connection with divinity and the entry point for higher consciousness where the higher self can incarnate into the body. When the crown chakra becomes active initiates may be able to understand our multidimensional nature and communicate with multidimensional beings. Typically as people age, their crown chakra closes with the onset of ego structures and “chitta”, otherwise known as mental chatter. When kundalini energy rises from the root chakra up the spine through the crown chakra, a full awakening may take place fully awakening the spirit within the body.

Chakras Silhouette

So those are the seven basic chakras that this meditation will be dealing with. The first step in this meditation is to become comfortable with feeling the chakras within yourself. I would recommend either sitting cross legged or lying down and starting from the root chakra try to breathe into it. What I mean by this is imagine your breath is like a breath stoking hot coals, every deep breath causes the energy center to glow it’s respective color. I also like to chant the root sound while visualizing the energizing of my chakra. From here you can repeat the sequence slowly working upwards through your chakras and breathing the energy into each center.  Visualize them however works best for you, some people prefer to imagine them as wheels spinning faster with every breath rather then coals being heated. The major point in beginning though is to slow your breathing and begin to let distractions fade away. If you are new to meditation spend as long as you need just learning to calm your mind. In many cases you may need to work on just calming and relaxing before you even get into the chakras, there is no shame in this at all. It is better to spend some extra time to get it right after all.

The next step after you feel comfortable with where the chakras are and are able to remember such things as the colors and the root words are to begin the meditation as normal but this time spend a little bit longer in each chakra. After you feel that you have sufficiently put enough energy into each chakra ask your guides or inner self to allow a spirit animal to appear and help you in your journey. Normally an animal will appear within the chakra, a very important detail is to let your mind stay open. If you just pick the most badass animals then you aren’t really acheiving anything besides daydreaming and playing around.

After you are done with the seven chakras and come back to basic consciousness the first thing to do is right down what animals you saw and where, also any special characteristics about them such as health and size. Go and get a drink of water or something and then come back and try to realize what each animal means to you and how it relates to the chakra involved. Don’t over think it, your sub conscious doesn’t always need to make sense. Once you get done this you can draw or create your very own personal totem pole with your respective animals stacked like the chakras (badass tattoo idea).

I saw the following animals

1.Muladhara, Here in my red chakra I saw a hyena.

2. Svadisthana, here in my orange chakra I saw an opossum.

3. Manipura, in my yellow chakra I saw a large orb weaver spider.

4. Anahata, in my green Chakra I saw an octopus.

5. Vishuddha, in my blue chakra I saw a coyote.

6. Ajna, in my third eye chakra I saw a cat.

7. Sahasrara, in this chakra I saw a bison.

I hope all of you will find this experience as interesting as I did and hopefully be able to learn more about yourselves from it. I didn’t go into the meanings of each animal because for one they are personal to me and another reason is because I do not want to taint your opinion of an animal in case it shows itself to you.

Runes part 4

Over the past few months I have been slowly putting some of the information that I learned about the runes on this blog. While I could speak on the runes endlessly I feel like this entry would pretty well sum up the basics and be a good spot to end. In earlier posts I talked about the meanings of the elder futhark and futhorc as well as their inverse/ negative meanings and how to interpret them in readings. The last part I will be speaking on is bind runes. This goes a little beyond just basic divination and delves into writing or carving runic “formulas” for a desired result.

The practice of bind runes is essentially creating a sigil or symbol which is only fully known to the creator. As magic is an individualistic practice this is really only as complicated as you make it. Some people believe that the material it is written on (especially among workers of the Celtic path where each tree has meaning)  or carved in will affect the spell as will the color of ink you use. This can be a great way to add special meaning and intention to your working but if you find that it is distracting you then just leave it and move on. I myself prefer to carve in wood and if writing on paper will use red for power, but that is just my personal flair.

So what does a bind rune look like? The first step is to figure out why you are creating a bind rune and what you hope to achieve. From here decide on a few runes that you feel best exemplify your desire, examples would be Uruz for health or Fehu for money. Only pull maybe 3 or 4 because you don’t want things too complicated, think of it like a sentence requiring a subject, verb, and direct object. The more things you throw in there the sloppier it gets.

This is where the artwork comes in. Fit the runes together or overlay them creating  a sigil. It can b*e as simple or as complicated as you would like it to be. Some people create beautiful geometric art that is actually a complex runic inscription.

here is an example of Sowillo, Nauthiz, and Eiwahz. Creating a hidden Manaz.

here is an example of Sowillo, Nauthiz, and Eiwahz. Creating a hidden Manaz.

The above is a basic system of overlaying runes and creating hidden/secret meanings in the inscription. I will post some of the more elaborate bind runes below.

The finished piece of art is on the left. It contains a Perthro, an Isa, a Kenaz, and a Berkano

The finished piece of art is on the left. It contains a Perthro, an Isa, a Kenaz, and a Berkano


can you spot the runes?

can you spot the runes?

Bind runes have been used traditionally since the 11th century for magical purposes and possibly even before that. This is evidenced by the fact that many artifacts are found containing beautiful and elaborate designs which to a rune reader spell out elaborate messages. They are even spoken of in The Havamal when Odin spoke of his 18 runic formulas in the last part of the poem.

I will briefly cover each of those and what runes he may of been speaking of.

  1. “The songs I know that kings wives know not, Nor men that are sons of . The first is called help and help it can bring thee, In sorrow, pain and sickness”  This is basically a spell for help with the troubles of life I would use Fehu, Uruz, and Ingwaz
  2. “A second I know, that men shall need who leechcraft long to use” Ok so this one is healing the sick, I would use Uruz, Sowillo and Dagaz
  3. “A third I know if great is my need of fetters to hold my foe, Blunt do I make my enemies blade, Nor bites his sword or staff”. This is keeping you safe from the harm of enemies I would use Algiz, Isa and Nauthiz
  4. “A fourth I know if men shall fasten bonds on my bended legs, So great is the charm that forth I may go. The fetters spring from my feet, Bonds broken from my hands”. This is a formula to chant when being held in bondage I would use Thurisaz, Sowillo and Raidho
  5. ‘ a fifth I know if I see from afar an arrow fly against the folk, It flies  not so swift that I stop it not if ever my eyes behold it” This is literally chanted to stop arrows but it could be used in modern times for awareness. I would use Algiz, Ansuz and Kenaz
  6. ” A sixth I know, if harm one seeks with a sapling’s roots to send me. The man himself who wreaks his hate shall taste the ill ire ” This is simply sending back negative energy thrown at you to the sender. I would use Raido, Hagalaz and Mannaz.
  7. “A seventh I know, If I see in flames the hall over my comrades heads, it burns not so wide that I can not quench it. I know that song to sing” This is a spell to put out fires I would use perthro, isa, and laguz
  8. ” An eighth I know that is to all of greatest good to learn. When hatred grows among men’s sons I can soon set it right” This is used to stop arguments between friend I would use Mannaz, gebo and wunjo.
  9. “A ninth I know if need there comes to shelter my ship on the flood, The wind I calm upon the waves and sea I put to rest” This is to calm a sea when sailing I would use Dagaz, Isa and Raidho
  10. A tenth I know when seeing house riders flying on high. So can I work that wildly they go, showing their true shapes, hence to their own homes”. This is a spell to Banish ghosts at night I would use kenaz, hagalaz, and jera
  11. An eleventh I know if needs I must lead to the fight my long loved friends. I sing in the shields and in strength they go whole to the field of fight and whole from the field of fight and returned home whole”. This is a spell used on shields to ensure safety in battle and journey home I would use Sowillo, Algiz and Tywaz.
  12. “A twelth I know if high on a tree I see a hanged man swing, so do I write and color the runes that he may fare and to me talks”. This is a spell used to talk to the dead I use Eiwaz, Hagalaz and Algiz.
  13. “A thirteenth I know, if a thane full young with water I sprinkle well he shall not fall. Though he fares mid the host nor sinks beneath the swords” This spell was chanted while water was sprinkled on a boy for safety I would use Algiz, Laguz, and Thurisaz
  14. ” A fourteenth I know, if fain I would name to men the mighty gods. All know I well of the gods and elves, Few be the fools who know this”. This is a spell used by story tellers to aid in teaching of the lore I would use Ansuz, Manaz, and Gebo
  15. ” A fifteenth I know that before the doors of delling sang Thjothrorir the dwarf. Might he sang for the gods and glory for the elves and wisdom for Odin the wise”. This was a runic song used to send power and glory to others I would use Tiwaz, kenaz and Raidho
  16. “A sixteenth I know, if I seek delight to win from a maiden wise,and thus change all of her thoughts”. This is a spell used to make a girl change her mind and fall in love with you. I would use Sowillo, Ehwaz, and gebo.
  17. ” A seventeenth I know so that seldom shall go a young maiden from me”. This is to keep your woman from straying to other men I would use Ehwaz, Gebo and Isa
  18. ” An eighteenth I know, that never will I tell to maiden or wife of man. The best is what oneself does know. So comes the end of songs, save only to her in whose arms I lie or who else my sister is”. This one is not a spell only a reminder to keep secret your runes except maybe to who you trust most such as wife or family.

So I am going to end it there on the runes. Hopefully these articles have helped a little, if anyone has any questions please feel free to message me. I am merely trying to spread this along so it doesn’t die.

Hail Loki, Hail Hel

Some poetry and prayers I have stumbled across

I wish I came up with these but I didn’t.


The Morrigan

Blessed Morrigan, whose sacred names are three,

I do not pray for strength, for you show me the strength within me.
I do not pray for courage, for I follow you willingly into battle.
I do not pray for wisdom, for you teach me of the Crone within me.
I do not pray for blessings, because I live each day in blessed Magic, following the ways of the wise.
I do not pray for prosperity, for I live in gratitude of the abundance which flows through my life.
I do not pray for love, for love runs like water to me through my family and friends.

I pray to remember these gifts, for in my despair I can lose my way, and lose my awareness that I am a daughter of your ways.
I pray to remember that when I look into my image, your face is reflected there, and I can carry any burden because you live within me.

Funerary prayer to Hel

“hel, great goddess, daughter of loki
Guard of the spirits of the dead
Our friend (insert name) has come to you now
As (insert name) kneels bedore you, hel
know how much (he/she) was loved in this life
And how many (he/she) loved in return
Before (he/she) crossed over (he/she) was an honorable soul
A soaring spirit, a brave warrior
Watch over (him/her), hel as (he/she) crosses the bridge
From this life to the next
And welcome (him/her) with honor and glory
So that (he/she) may live on forever
In our hearts and memories

Prayer to Lilith

Lilith, Queen of demons and mother to us all. Teach us the ways of the night. You are the second to rebel against the god of the Jews and the first against man. Give me the rebellious spirit just as you have. As you were made through the dirt and your spirit given to you by Satan through a dark mist, so give me the same spirit. May that same spirit rise up within me so that I may have the strength to fight against the lies and dominance of the god of the Jews and of mankind’s lies. You fled away from the garden of bondage to be with the demons, to make children of the night. Wrap me in your wings and take flight into the night sky, your element, and keep me from harm. Whisper in my ear your secrets as you do to all of mankind. Great mother Lilith Queen of demons and mother of us all, you are the first vampire and Succubi. You take your vengeance on the children of mankind because the god of the Jews has done so to your children. Your children are the Lilim, and we are your loyal servants of your infernal royal beauty. Hail Lilith Queen of demons and of the night. Mother to us all! Nema!

Mantras to Kali


This is the basic Kali mantra, meaning “OM and salutations to Kali”. It is for those who want to focus themselves on Kali as their principal spiritual practice.


This mantra is the basic Kali mantra strengthened by the words “Sri” (an expression of great respect) and “Maha” (great).  It has been said that very few people are initiated into this mantra because of the intensity of its “purgative nature.


This mantra is said to bring rapid and even drastic relief from any situation that is difficult or problematic. The kind of solution attained might not be the kind you would want or envisage, because the effects of the mantra are said to be potentially drastic and unexpected. The results will be right and appropriate for you at the time, although they may not be pleasant in the short run


This is known as the Great Fifteen-Syllable Mantra (not counting the Om at the start) and is said to provide a rapid boost to one’s spiritual growth, although once again the results may be unexpected and drastic. One should only use this mantra if one is prepared for results that may be quite intense. From personal experience, I can vouch for the power of this mantra

More on Lilith

ImageYesterday I was talking with a fellow blogger about a goddess and it led to a brief text message discussion on how to pray and who we pray to. He told me that his main area of focus was Loki, this in turn led to us talking about the dangers of working with some deities as well as the danger in going to them for the wrong reason. I jokingly told him that after working with Lilith the other Gods I have communicated with seemed like kittens. This got me thinking, why exactly is Lilith so difficult to work with. It seemed strange but all of the ideas that I am going to put down here were just pouring out of my mouth, almost like I was being told to do this.

So the first thing on Lilith is that she is a very old, if not the oldest goddess that humans have worshiped. I am a firm believer that over time a spirit, especially one worshiped as a god will continue to grow in power. But one thing I really find interesting about her is that even though she is so ancient she has not changed, she is from a violent and primal time and a culture long forgotten by our modern weak society full of adult children and incompetence.

The other thing about her is that to understand her you must realize that she is not the new age mother goddess that fluffy pagans describe her as. She was a goddess to be feared and at some points of her worship she was called a demon. This is all true, from speaking and working with her I can tell you that while not purely malevolent she has a significant dark side.

Her worship demands a strange dichotomy from a follower. You cannot go crawling and begging for her help or she very well may attack you for being weak and daring to bother her. But on the other hand you need to realize that Lilith will break you and rebuild you into what she wants, not what you want but what she wants. Lilith according to Hebrew legend rebelled against heaven because she refused to be subservient to man so expect the first thing for her to do is put you under her boot and make you lick her foot just so you know who is in charge. This is a major reason why I never advise anyone to work with her, she may not like you for any number of reasons and will have no problems destroying you for even considering the idea. Simply put she is a primal force of female dominance and rarely do her favors come without a cost. One of my first visions of her involved me essentially being thrown down and forced into sex, it was euphoric but also deeply disturbing as I knew the entire process was meant to show I am her bitch.

To look at her is to stare into reality itself. You cannot understand or comprehend all of the things that go through your mind other then to know that what you are feeling is base and primal humanity. She is a woman who is so beautiful that words cannot describe her. She is also terrifying to look at, because you know that so much darkness and power lie behind that smile.

Her eyes are a deep red wine color that looked upon the Earth before we even came crawling from the oceans. Those eyes are not kind but old and able to see right inside of you.

She normally is barely dressed as modern notions of modesty are amusing to her, this is also another weapon she has over you. You cannot help but feel drawn to her sexuality even though you know you shouldn’t. If she wants you she will take you in this way. If she stays to listen or just uses you and leaves you destroyed are totally her decision.

So the question becomes “Why do you work with her”? Well honestly I did not pick her, I was working with my teacher and she had told me to find a guardian to help keep me protected. The next thing I know Lilith was there and told me that she was going to be my protector. I can fairly say that I have had no problems with her as long as I do what she tells me and offer tribute.

She is not for most people, in fact I do not know a single person besides maybe my one friend who is well versed in Sumerian mysticism who could handle even a glimpse of her. She is the beautiful and deadly dance of a mantis seducing it’ prey. Lilith can and will destroy those who call on her, the only difference is whether you are able to rebuild and worthy to be her chosen. 

Lilith, dark mother I know that through your purges I grow stronger and I thank you

Recipe for Necromancy


Santsima Muerte

I was able to try out a new incense recipe I got from a book today. I did some minor tweaking but it came out great so I thought I would share it. The book was “The witch’s book of the dead” by Christian Day. I was skeptical at first, but let me tell you that the book is amazing and dead accurate (no pun intended). The incense is useful for contacting spirits but really has a threefold purpose. The first is to honor the spirits, the second is to open yourself better to their messages, and the third and probably most important is to keep yourself safe.

Warding circle (if you are into that).

I am against doing this as I believe in approaching a spirit with respect and trust rather then trying to trap something or else hiding behind something. A personal shield is much more effective but for people who like circles…..

  1. ashes from an ash tree (traditionally used to keep dead from crossing)
  2. salt (traditionally used to keep spirits out)

Mix these two ingredients together in equal number and use them to form your circle. Please remember though, if you make a circle use intent to close it or else you may offend and piss off the spirits.

My version of  Necromancer’s incense

  1. Dittany of Crete (useful for opening up your senses)
  2. Wormwood
  3. Star Anise
  4. Black Copal
  5. Vervain (useful for protection and opening of senses)
  6. Sandalwood
  7. Frankincense
  8. Myrrh
  9. Dragons blood (I use it as a magnifier in most blends I make)
  10. Lavender
  11. Grave dirt (be careful where you get this! I use a jar from a man condemned by the church as a vampire in the 1700’s.)

Grind up all of the ingredients to a fine powder before use, it doesn’t have to be perfect but break up the big chunks if possible. Now is when you can dedicate it and empower it however you wish. If you aren’t loaning it out you can use 3 drops of your own blood. I also like to ask a death god to bless it or else dedicate it to a god by leaving it on their altar a few days (dried flowers and black coffee are good offerings).

When I use it, I like to pour some of the incense into my burner and ignite it with Florida water (Voodoo trick!). For added burn and smoke some mugwort can be added over top of it, this will enhance the potency and range of the incense. Remember to make an offering to the dead when trying to contact them. Honey is a traditional offering but I prefer some old coins or allowing them some of my excess energy.

This incense creates a wonderful, however thick and musky smell that lasts a decent amount of time. Be careful though as there are some powerful herbs in this recipe and they can make you loopy in tight quarters.

If anybody else makes this, please let me know your opinions on it! Also any suggestions or tweeks would be great to discuss.